Dp Drafting Services
 A Division of Design Presentation Associates
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Digitization Benefits

The key advantages of our service include:
We normally create a drawing as a new file; the final output is editable and will be in DXF,    DWG, DGN or any other CAD formats
Since we create a new file, we can create as many layers as you require. We generate    separate layers for dimensions, text, body, hidden lines, and centerlines, etc.
Text is separated and has its own layer and is recognizable as text
Dimensions are intact and are shown by a separate layer.
High accuracy
Cost effective hand-drawn conversions.
Quick turn around, even on large jobs
Feature Extraction
Geo-coding of databases
Local Area Planning (District Planning Maps, Census Maps, etc.)
Spatial Analysis and Modeling; Utility Mapping
The converted drawings are manually drawn with precision and are fully editable and contains:   Accurate layer information Accurate text (editable) Accurate line types (editable) Associative   dimensions (adjustable) Associative hatch patterns (editable) Symbols & blocks of standard   components Title blocks (as per scale)

3D Rendering
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